How it works
See Eric in action
Learn how easy it is to set up and use for your meetings
Create your free account
Sign up for your free account and follow the quick and easy setup instructions. Create your account with your Microsoft or Google login and then connect your calendar and workspace.
Create your free account now will automatically join your next meeting will join your meeting lobby and wait to be admitted.
You can also instantly invite by using a calendar invitation or by using the "Add to live meeting" feature.
Have a productive meeting with will take your meeting notes and detect action items automatically. You can also assign a meeting agenda, view meeting participation, and more.
Assisted follow up after your meeting
After your meetings have ended you can quickly search and find previous meeting information. This includes action items, summaries, transcripts and recordings. You can also choose to export your meeting information with third-party software.
Ready to see Eric in action?
Claim your free account or arrange a quick demo to get started.