7 Tips for Conducting An Effective But Short Meeting

For business owners and managers, having success in their meetings is essential to the overall success of their organization. When running an effective but short meeting, it can be challenging to ensure that important topics are addressed while keeping the conversation concise.
Here are seven tips for making the most of your short meetings while ensuring they don't take up too much time. By following these tips, you can ensure that every meeting will be successful and efficient.

1. Set an Agenda Ahead of Time
Before your meeting begins, it is important to set a clear agenda. An agenda should include the topics that need to be discussed during the meeting and the order in which they will be presented. This way, everyone understands what needs to be discussed and can come prepared with any questions or suggestions related to those topics.
An agenda keeps you focused on the most important topics and prevents side conversations from taking over the whole meeting. Setting an agenda beforehand allows you to save time while still addressing all aspects of the discussion. Suppose you have 10 minutes for a meeting. You can look at the agenda ahead of time and estimate how much time should be spent on each topic. A few tips that can help create an effective agenda include:
- Identify and prioritize the topics that need to be discussed
- Provide a clear timeline for each topic
- Assign a specific speaker for each topic
- Make sure the agenda is shared with all participants before the meeting.
2. Stay On Topic
Once the meeting begins, it is important to stay on topic and not let conversations stray from the main two agenda items. To ensure the meeting runs smoothly, assign someone to take notes and document any off-topic conversations that may occur.
At the end of the meeting, ask if there is anything else anyone would like to discuss before concluding. This way, everyone can bring up an issue or have their voice heard without going on tangents and potentially wasting time.
Additionally, having somebody take notes can help keep people focused on the task at hand and prevent unnecessary conversations during the session.
It is also important for everybody involved in the meeting to stay engaged by asking questions and speaking up where appropriate - having a discussion is key for successful communication within a team. The leader should encourage others to contribute ideas, feedback, or suggestions so everyone is included and their opinions are respected. This will help move the meeting along quickly and ensure that all perspectives are taken into account when making decisions.
Finally, it is important to avoid getting sidetracked by any one person's opinion or ideas. If everybody agrees on a certain point, the meeting leader should move on to the next agenda item without wasting too much time on it. This helps keep meetings efficient and on track with the overall objectives.

3. Agree On Action Points
Once discussions have been had and decisions have been made, it is important to agree on action points that need to be taken following the meeting. These action points should be clear and concise so everyone knows their responsibilities to accomplish following the session.
Before closing the meeting, run through all of the decisions made and ask each team member what actions they will take to ensure those decisions are implemented properly.
This way, there is no confusion about who is responsible for doing certain tasks or when each person must complete them. Additionally, assigning a completion date to each task is a good idea so everybody can work towards a common goal.
At this point, it may also be beneficial to set up follow-up meetings to review progress and ensure that action points are being completed in a timely manner.
It is important to track the progress of employees' tasks, so setting up regular check-ins can help keep everybody on top of their responsibilities.
By agreeing on action points at the end of every meeting, teams can ensure that everybody knows exactly what needs to be done and when it must be completed. This ensures everyone is held accountable for their actions, and no one feels left out or forgotten about. By taking this extra step, meetings can remain productive and efficient.
4. Choose Your Audience Wisely
When discussing planning and conducting an effective but short meeting, it is important to choose the right people to be part of the discussion. Inviting too many people can lead to a chaotic and unproductive session, whereas not inviting enough key decision-makers can mean that important decisions are made without everybody's input.
It is important to identify who needs to be present at the meeting and why they need to attend - this will help ensure that only the necessary individuals are invited, thus saving time and keeping the meeting short.
It may also be beneficial to assign roles for each guest to contribute effectively. For example, some team or company members could be assigned as discussion moderators or facilitators, ensuring focus stays on key points, and the agenda is followed.
If many people are required at the meeting, breaking up into smaller groups may be beneficial. This will enable more efficient discussion between relevant individuals and provide an opportunity for each group to feed back their key findings or ideas afterward.
Identifying who needs to be present and assigning roles to each guest can help ensure that the meeting is conducted efficiently without wasting time.
Additionally, it will ensure that the right people are involved in making key decisions and that everyone's input and the final decision are considered. If done correctly, this will lead to an effective but short meeting.
5. Remember the "2 Pizza Rule."
The "2 Pizza Rule" is important to remember when conducting an effective meeting. This rule states that the ideal size for a productive and efficient meeting should be kept to the group size that two pizzas can feed.
Having more than this number of attendees in a good meeting will mean more people speaking over each other, leading to distractions, delays, and confusion about key decisions.
Of course, there are exceptions to the rule - for example, if you are having a boardroom-style meeting or gathering with many reasons and decision makers present; however, it is generally best practice to have no more than 10-12 people attending a meeting at one time.
To ensure that the meeting is effective but short, it is important to decide on an agenda before the meeting starts inviting people and to strictly adhere to it. This will ensure that each point is discussed in detail, with all relevant information considered.
Furthermore, setting a time limit for each topic can help keep the discussion focused and ensure the meeting doesn't drift off track or become too lengthy.
The "2 Pizza Rule" is an important rule of thumb to remember when conducting an effective; by keeping groups small and having an agenda beforehand, you can ensure that everyone's input is taken into account without delaying decisions or making the session of longer meetings too lengthy.

6. Utilize Technology
For conducting effective meetings, utilizing technology such as video conferencing and online collaboration tools can be beneficial.
Video conferencing is a great way to save time for shorter meetings, as people can "attend" the meeting from wherever they are located, with no need for travel or extended waiting times.
Furthermore, online collaboration tools such as Google Docs or Trello boards can help streamline communication and discussion during meetings.
For example, each week, each team member could be assigned an area of focus that they are responsible for discussing within the group; any notes or outcomes could be shared with all members immediately through these tools.
These methods of utilizing technology can also extend beyond the meeting itself; many video conferencing platforms have features such as recording capabilities that allow you to save a copy of the meeting for future reference.
This can be particularly helpful if any updates or changes need to be made in the future, as you will have an accurate record of what was discussed during the session.
7. Take Good Notes
Taking good notes during a short meeting is a great way to ensure everyone involved has an accurate record of what happened. Notepads and pens are essential tools that should be available for all attendees; additionally, you can consider alternatives such as digital note-taking devices or group whiteboards to help keep the conversation organized.
It's also important to remember that not all notes have to be written down in words. Visual maps, diagrams, or flowcharts can often be helpful when it comes to quickly capturing ideas and outcomes from the discussion.
Furthermore, if you choose to utilize technology such as video conferencing software, many platforms will allow you to take screenshots that can act as a kind of digital "notebook."
Taking good notes during a meeting should include capturing action items and assigning task owners. This will help ensure that all session outcomes are tracked and followed up promptly, helping to keep everyone on the same page.
Suppose you are using a whiteboard or other visual medium. In that case, taking a photograph at the end of the meeting can be beneficial to ensure an accurate record for everyone involved.
Use Eric.ai to Conducting An Effective But Short Meeting
With Eric.ai, you can have the most efficient and effective meetings in no time! It's a revolutionary AI-powered assistant specifically designed to improve your meeting experience from the beginning to finish - and it's even compatible with Microsoft Teams' app!
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